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Rosalux Collects: Quarantine Editions

In a healthier world we would normally like to go out and visit with our collectors to share their artwork, stories and points of view with you. However, since we are all limited in our mobility right now we thought it might be fun to take this opportunity to share the art that our artists have collected and the stories behind what drives them to consume the things that consume them most. We hope that you enjoy these peeks behind the curtain with Rosalux artists and their families and we look forward to getting out and seeing you all again soon.

Our first visit finds us in the South Minneapolis home of Rosalux founder Terrence Payne and his wife Carolyn, who is the director of the Soo Visual Arts Center. They have been exploring the art world for the past 19 years together and have a built a collection of works which document the friendships and memories they have made along the way. The biggest problem they have had with their collecting over the years hasn't been finding art that they like, it's been finding room for it on their walls.

We begin in the living room of the Payne home with the first of two salon style groupings of work. Starting on the bottom left is a wood carving by Mike Sweere with a beaded doll by Christy Puetz above, next to an embroidered drawing by Danielle Krysa, alongside turkeys by Amelia Biewald below a drawing by Jim Hittinger next to a portrait by Syed Hosain accompanying an abstraction by Ute Bertog below a Paul Jagolino drawing of Madonna next to a water color by Madeline Cushman and topping it all off is another painting by Jim Hittinger.

Opposite that grouping is a diptych by Tara Costello and a cut paper collage by John Diebel with a large oil pastel drawing by Terrence Payne peeking out from the dining room.

The last grouping in the living room finds a collection of bird knick knacks with a painting by Amelia Biewald alongside letterpress prints by Amos Paul Kennedy JR. The grouping above begins on the bottom left with a totally tubular painting by Nick Howard sitting below a pair of dog portraits by Jennifer Davis with another Madonna by Paul Jagolino followed by another pet portrait by Jen Davis with a portrait of the same pup by Amy Rice below and finishing with a Jennifer Davis original work in the center.

Moving on to the dining room we find a large piece by Amelia Biewald of bleach painted on velvet, one of several owned by the couple in their home.

This grouping of work in the dining room features an etching by Kimberly Tschida Petters on the bottom left next to a collage piece by Amy Rice beside a round Nick Howard ink drawing below a collage by Darrin Mueske with a goauche painting by Nick Howard next to an open water disaster by David Sollie.

The library, aka the SHIZ, aka the powder room is chock full of well worn books and small works from Daniel Buettner beginning on the far left with a drawing by Noah Harmon an the shelf to the right nestled behind a curiosity box by Paul Jagolino next to a bleach on velvet otter by Amelia Biewald above small works by Biewald again, Nick Howard, and Jen Davis with a photo collage by Rebecca Krinke on the shelf below.

Terrence like to keep things sparse in his at home studio with only works by Ruben Nusz and Christy Puetz breaking up the utilitarian theme.

Moving upstairs we find an oil pastel painting by James Wrayge with a pair of Payne's own oil pastel drawings in their guest room.

Whats' that you say? More Biewald? They managed to fit in one more next to the built in bookcase and mirror for their guests to enjoy.

A pair of early John Diebel drawings find their way into the main bedroom of the Payne's home.

We end our tour of the Payne home with a humorous  oil pastel drawing by Terrence behind Carolyn's childhood collection of bears resting on her grandmother antique vanity. What better way to start your day than with some fond memories and blasphemy?

Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to spend a little time with this John Alspach piece on the front porch before you head out!


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